Saturday, February 2, 2013

The new SCS!


Alright guys Lolzor again, its time for all of the change I posted about earlier. Starting this Monday a new schedule of content will be coming out.

What is that schedule you ask...I'LL TELL YOU!

Magic! We maybe changing to a more gaming site but MtG was always the first here at SCS so either me or Sefah will post something Magic related on mondays. It may be a MUC or  Interesting play or maybe just a random card or 2 but we will post something.

Lolzor day! I will be writing an article on whatever the hell I feel like that week. My stuff will probably tend to be a bit scattered seeing as my gaming is as well now adays.

Sefah day! Sefah will be writing an article on what he wants...mind you itll probably be LoL related seeing as he is trying to be pro or something now...but he knows a lot so it should be good.

STREAM DAY! Thats right every sunday me and Sefah are gonna fire up the stream and play some games for your entertainment (be gentle we are new at this) It could be a lets play or DnD or Mtgo or probably alot of League but itll be there or some sort of video will take its place.

BUT LOLZOR WHAT ABOUT BANGCHUCKERS????????? BC! is dead for right now...due to a lot of time constraints on all members we cant produce it properly and till we can there will be no more strips. Now I'm working my hardest to find some kind of replacement or something but for now you will have to forgive me I'm working on it.

Anyway I'm hoping to get some more social networking things going i.e a Facebook and a Twitter and such...stay tuned for that. Also hoping for a site overhaul if I can find the time.

Any way i hope you all will enjoy whats to come...See you monday!

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